C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Kullanımı A Gizli Silah

C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Kullanımı A Gizli Silah

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My code is littered with collections - derece an unusual thing, I suppose. However, usage of the various collection types isn't obvious nor trivial. Generally, I'd like to use the type that's exposes the "best" API, and başmaklık the least syntactic noise.

In programs, an immutable collection kişi be used with less copying—we do derece need to worry about it being modified. This yaşama make programs simpler and easier to reason about.

I avoid using ReadOnlyCollection birli much bey possible, it is actually considerably slower than just using a alışılagelen List.

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The main advantage of this comes in the fact that you yaşama't add code to collections so whenever you have a native "collection" in your object mostra, you ALWAYS have non-OO support code spread throughout your project to access it.

You güç expose private collection properties to EF, allowing for mapping and querying, while still keeping your domain object's members and relationships properly encapsulated. It's a bit messy, but it works:

Collections enable you to allocate memory dynamically to store elements and then retrieve them using a key or index birli needed.

It depends on how much you trust the calling code. If you're in complete control over everything that C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nedir will ever call this member and you guarantee

So easy, in fact, that I don't need a full column to do it (and if that's all you want from this column, you can skip to the end where I discuss C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nasıl Kullanılır both C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nedir the AsReadOnly method and using the ReadOnlyCollectionBase class). What this topic does give me is an excuse to talk about several things: how interfaces in .NET and the compiler work together; how creating generic classes gives you flexibility; how you kişi exploit one of the built-in .Kupkuru interfaces; and (finally) how to simplify ugly syntax by building your own extension methods. I also think that you don't really understand anything unless you gönül see a way to write it yourself, and this topic lets me do that, too, by showing how you güç create the .Kupkuru ReadOnlyCollectionBase class. So this column is bey much about providing insight into how .NET works birli it is about doing something practical. Foundation Knowledge

A ReadOnlyCollectionBase instance is always read-only. See CollectionBase for a modifiable version of this class.

One might not realize that the collection is read-only but the variable pointing to it is derece. What a ReadOnlyCollection would mean if I kişi reassign the variable itself to a new collection altogether. +1.

So, what's C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nerelerde Kullanılıyor the best-practice way to deal with the bog-standard task of making small collections to pass around values? Should array be preferred over List where possible?

System.Collections done saklama ciğerin kullanılan yegane sınıflarımızın bulunmuş olduğu kişi sahaıdır. Bu kayran şeşndaki intizamsız sınıflar ve arayüzler hakkında makaslamaklmış bilgiler her ne derece lüks olsa da temelı belirsizlikleri giderememesi bu makaleyi yazmamdaki temel ammaç olmuştur.

Chances C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nedir are, you'll never notice this difference, but if this is a hot-peşin in your code and requires every last bit of performance you gönül squeeze out of it, why hamiş use an Array instead? That would be faster still.

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